Stephanie Griffin
Ottawa, Canada

What makes Stephanie an Acro SuperHero?
I turn challenging experiences into fun, exciting, reflective action. I help young people tap into bravery and courage as well as playfulness and joy.
Stephanie's superpowers as an Acro Teacher:
Listening, encouraging, empowering others to have and use their voice, and work with the emotional climate in the room.
What type/style of Acro does Stephanie teach?
Beginner and intermediate recreational acro
Acro as a therapeutic intervention with various populations of children and youth
Stephanie's current Acro offerings:
Private classes, workshops, and small group sessions
What to expect from Stephanie's classes:
Students can expect to have fun, explore new challenges, feel empowered and respected, and be an active participant in creating the experience. Classes and workshops are always offered through progressions so all students can work at their level of ability and comfort.
How does Stephanie incorporate social justice themes into their Acro offerings?
Students are encouraged to explore aspects of their identity through acro. There are no expectations about what role students want to play; inclusivity and respect are key features of all offerings.
Stephanie's BIO:
I believe it’s never too late to try something new. I first tried acro and other circus arts in my early twenties and then took a twenty-year hiatus before coming back. I’ve been part of the acro community now since 2014. I take regular classes and participate in jams and workshops.
Professionally, I have been a child and youth care mental health practitioner for over twenty-five years. I have a Ph.D. in Child and Youth Care and work primarily with youth 12-24. My interest lies in using acro and circus arts as a therapeutic medium to develop communication and socio-emotional skills, increase self-awareness, and increase emotional well-being. Key philosophies and approaches of child and youth care are also evident in my acro teaching: a relational, strengths-based approach; working with people to achieve optimal development and outcomes.